Changing regulations, rising premiums and nebulous pricing make Employee Benefits Renewals challenging for every Employee Benefits Producer.
Before you get discouraged about your next renewal period, know that it is
possible to streamline your process. The more organized and proactive you are, the more clear this somewhat murky time will look. Read our…
Client retention is just as important as growing your book of business. With health care costs continuing to rise, it’s becoming more and more challenging to offer cost-effective plans that meet all your client’s needs.
Before you automatically show another plan or carrier, work to provide an alternative solution to any gap in your client’s current policy. Switching…
Renewals can be stressful and complicated but there are ways to streamline the process to increase efficiency for your team and your groups. Read on to see how you can simplify this process in the coming year.
Efficient and accurate renewal processes can be tricky for all agents. We breakdown the most efficient renewal strategies to find the best plans for your groups.
When your clients need to select a new health plan or you are working with a new client purchasing healthcare coverage for the first time, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are hundreds of options…
Group renewal is always exciting because there are so many opportunities ahead of you and your team. Whether you’re relatively new to insurance or have years of experience, there are always opportunities to refine your…
For every agent, benefits renewal time can be stressful especially with changing regulations obscure pricing and rising premiums, it’s hard to know where to start. With the right renewal focused support, you can turn what is seemingly…
This past year will have seen tremendous changes in your customer base’s demographics. Some companies may longer be in business, others have laid off staff, and some clients have hired new people. This happens every…
Large group policies have different needs than smaller plans. If you’d like to expand into managing large groups, or if you’d like to improve your results from your last enrollment, keep reading. Make sure you’re prepared to handle the mass volume a large group plan brings, otherwise you could set yourself up for failure.
Rogers Benefits Group is the premier…
For any brokerage firm, winning a large group plan is an accomplishment. However, there are often some growing pains as smaller firms break into offering large scale plans. That’s why we put together this guide of 3 Simple Strategies to Win Large Group Business. Just click the link below to read the full piece.
The more you prepare and the better support…
Quoting large groups can be complicated but can is a great way to grow your agency. We share a few tips to help streamline the process so your agency can successfully set up the right systems to confidently handle large volume groups.
Follow the lead of large groups to optimize marketing strategies for your small groups.
When conducting business, connecting with large group clients can be an intimidating task. Moreover, if your company is not equipped with the right tools and preparation, it may be more challenging to attain and service these larger…
Landing the business of a large group is a personal coup, but at what cost? You might be spending thousands of dollars in marketing simply to reach these individuals and spending hours of unproductive time…
Winning over a large group plan takes a different strategy than smaller plans and presents its own set of challenges. Done well, it’s a real coup and significantly grows your business. Here are five indispensable tips for a…
Large group plans naturally require a different approach to smaller plans as clients have entirely different needs. There’s no doubt working with a General Agency (GA) like the Rogers Benefit Group is of enormous benefit…
The landscape of how – and where – companies work continues to evolve. Every year, more and more businesses are using virtual assistants and allowing employees to tele-commute. While it’s in fashion to shop local, more and more workers are going remote.
In fact, according to FlexJobs 3.9 million Americans worked from home at least half the time in…
According to a study by FlexJobs, hiring managers predict that “more than one-third of employees will work remotely in the next 10 years.” Remote job listings increased 51% from 2014 to 2017, and the fourth most popular job search keyword in 2017 was “remote/work from home.”
We doubt this is just a trend. Couple improved technology with congested roadways and we…
Expanding outside of California is a great choice to expand your book of business. Read on to find out the best way to efficiently quote groups outside of the state.
Expanding your business outside of California is a big growth for any broker. Read on to find out why you should consider growing your team on a national level.
Educate, Don’t Sell The unprecedented situation we encountered at the beginning of 2020 is one that few could have predicted: nearly 40% of America’s workforce is now on an enforced remote work policy with no…
Working remotely can be a challenge for staff members as well as the HR professionals who support them. Everything from differing tax laws to changes in the way benefits are administered can cause confusion and…
In this world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quote engine technology, are we missing something here – the human touch? It’s very difficult for clients from out of state to form a relationship with computer-driven…
Anyone who is familiar with the insurance industry knows that in order to discuss selling insurance, agents must first obtain their license. Depending on the state that the insurance agent lives in, he or she…