Earn More $$$ on Your CalChoice Business Don’t miss your chance to earn extra cash by taking advantage of the bonus offered by Kaiser Permanente on your CaliforniaChoice business. Kaiser Permanente is paying...
MediExcel Now Has Over 100 In-Network Urgent Care Providers in California! MediExcel Health Plan has the most in-network urgent care providers in California than any other cross-border carrier. Their U.S. urgent care network consists of 104 providers...
Aetna Small Group 2023 2023 Broker Bonus for both ACA and AFA It’s simple. Just sell Aetna new business plans to groups in California with 1-100 eligible employees. The bonus payout is the same...
Don’t miss your chance to earn extra cash by taking advantage of the bonus offered by CaliforniaChoice’s health plan partner, Kaiser Permanente. Kaiser Permanente is offering a $100 broker bonus for each enrolled...
Covered California for Small Business (CCSB) is relaunching A Partnership That Pays bonus program. You can now earn even more by offering your clients California’s most comprehensive access to healthcare. Earn up to...
1st Quarter is right around the corner, and Cigna + Oscar has some great information to share. Be sure to join their California sales team for an overview of important updates for 1st Quarter 2023!...
Big Changes from Anthem Blue Cross, Cigna + Oscar, and More! New year, new plans, new networks! CaliforniaChoice can’t wait to tell you about the big changes coming to CaliforniaChoice for 2023! The broadest portfolio...
Reminder! Register Today and join us to hear Health Net’s leadership team share the latest updates for Q1 2023 Small Group Business! They have good news to share that you’ll want to be aware...
Get Ready for 2023 with Health Net! Please join Health Net’s leadership team to hear the latest updates for Q1 2023 Small Group Business! They have good news to share that you’ll want to...